Monday, September 21, 2009

Week 5: Blogs

After years of on-and-off sometimes blogging and one year of serious blogging for school, I've decided that this week I will take a look at some ways to spice up my boring blogs. I also evaluated my strengths and weaknesses as a blogger and have found a couple articles that give blogging tips.

I notice some people add photos to their blogs. I usually don't. I don't really know why; I guess it's because sometimes photos just get in the way of my writing. By reading 101 blog tips, I've learned that adding digital elements isn't the only way to make a great blog. One advice, which is to use tags, is something I've just started doing this year. I think it's a great way of referencing my blog and also allowing others to better search for a specific topic. This list also tells me to ask questions to my readers, which is also something I've gotten more into while blogging this semester. Questions really get a conversation going. I also find it easier to comment on a person's blog who asks questions rather than just talks and writes statements. The list also tells me to return comments; I can do that by reading my blog comments daily, so I can promptly return comments to my commenters. The list of 101 blog tips has much more great advice that I plan to follow in the future not just with this blog but with other blogs I may write in the future. One of the other problems I have with blogging is trying to think of a good topic that relates to what we're talking about in class. Once I've thought of a topic, I have to think of good relevant things to write about in the blog. I ran into this article today, and it offered me some great advice. If anyone else has problems brainstorming for blogs, I suggest you check out this link. The best advice offered on the website was to always read articles, online and offline to come up with inspiration. I read the news online daily and I have a couple of subscriptions to magazines. Often times the articles I read make me form some sort of an opinion. Unfortunately, I usually don't write down the inspiration I had while reading or the name of the article, so when it comes time to start blogging, I completely forget what I was going to write about. That is why I think it's a great idea for me to blog when I feel inspiried. Like any artist or writer, a blogger should always look for inspirations and write them down.

Do you have any struggles when it comes to blogging? What do you do to work through those struggles?

1 comment:

  1. I admire that you are thinking of ways to keep making your blog better. I myself always add a picture because I think it adds to what you're talking about if someone doesn't know. It gives them a bit of visual to go with the words.

    I personally don't struggle much when it comes to blogging. I know my way around the blogging site pretty well, and as for material...I have opinions about almost everything I hear and a blog is a great way to express those opinions (in a reverent way, of course).

    I liked the part about when you said it's a good idea to write things down when you're inspired. I remember a time when I woke up in the middle of the night, convinced I had just had a great idea. I wrote it down and went to sleep again. When I woke up, I'd forgotten what the idea was, but my paper said "Little House on the Prairie and aliens". I still find that hilarious.
